09 January 2013

Pregnancy week 7 - long way to go

I've decided to start a little diary of my own which I will soon publish after spreading the big news. I waited till week 7 because I was all paranoid about whether this pregnancy will be successful or not, but hey, anything can go wrong at any time of the whole 9 months right? So what the heck.  Here goes nothin....

What's happening to me?

I'm pregnant! When did I find out? A few weeks after we came back from that tiring London trip.  Out of nowhere I felt like gagging until I threw up! Went to the doctor the next day and my feelings were right...the test came out positive and I was 5 weeks!

Now its week 7 ONLY.  I have been throwing up every day since week 5. Not fun! I am so used to putting my head facing the toilet and throwing up 3 times a day! Oh help me God. I feel weak and sleepy all day. I can not stand the smell of anything, especially meat and curry!  I have more food aversions than cravings, and if I do get cravings, Sweden usually doesn't have that kind of food available! Like crunchy dill pickles. They don't have it here! Or real mac n cheese...chicken biscuits n fried chicken....qeusadillas....hot wings! Oh please help!

All I can take in are fresh cold fruits and milk. Crunchy apple slices, sweet peaches, oh and cold freshly riped tomatoes with salt. The rest make me vomit.

I lost weight. About 4 kg. I just hope i don't lose anymore. Who knows how long it will be this way! I am so sick of throwing up!

What's the little one up to?

Baby is just getting started! It's the size of a blueberry, how cute!  All that throwing up just means baby is doing A ok.  At least I don't have to worry THAT much about the risk of miscarriage.  This is a sign that, unlike the first time, my baby is growing just on time.

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