24 January 2020

Women in IT - Where is the equality?

Dear Insensitive Men,

We are creating networks and support organizations to encourage potentially talented and intelligent women to get through the waves of sexism so they can finally earn what they deserve.  Why are you making it so difficult for us to contribute to the society?  We are trying our best to make this a better world, through numerous factors, technology being one of them.  Together, as men and women, we can do it.  You sexist men, however, push us back.  Make us weak, depressed, make us try 100 times harder than you ever will.


When a boy asks for help, you teach them.  When a girl asks, you disrespect them, and do the job yourself like a hero.

Why is it that when she makes a mistake in her swedish, you cannot continue talking in swedish, instead of pointing out their mistakes.  She is aware, of her mistakes.

Why is it that when she asks about technical issues, you give her know information, no solution, show her no cause of the issue, but fix it without explanation?

Why is it, that when HE makes a mistake, you give him time to reflect and discuss improvement,
but when SHE does it, you complain, become passive aggressive, and point out her weaknesses?

Why is she CEO and getting paid less than another male CEO?
She is taking care of her family at home, bringing up good children, and she is taking care of her company, just like her children.  Yet she gets paid lower than a man whose main focus is to take care of his company. 

She wants to help, but you clearly show there is no way she can help. 

What exactly is going on here?  Were our brains made differently? Do you confuse the brain with the other physical parts that differentiate gender?

What time period are you living in?

Thanks for showing me what an idiot you are.  Today I got reminded again, that I am all on my own to tackle something.  I am just beginning to learn and when I know how to do something, I will definitely use it the right way.   I will spread that knowledge.  I will help every gender, every race to achieve it.  Because I have nothing to lose.  I will show you whose boss. 


The brown techie girl 


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