20 January 2020

Who am I? A mother, an engineer, a leader, a dreamer. I am Tani

I still remember the day when I got laughed at when I said, "Maybe I should look into IT".  As if I was being underestimated for being a nursing student, or maybe because I was a girl.  I really don't know why.  But it hit me hard.  So hard, that next month, I decided to learn how to code.

And, Hello World!

No, I won't forget the struggles.  I will never forget the loss, the failures.  I have faced cold tides, yet here I stand.  Just like the vague stretch marks that still remain after years of mothering, scars and bruises remain, carving my mind, gifting me wisdom in return.  Here I stand, while the world keeps turning, showing it's true colors, one worse than the other.  Here i stand alone.  Alone but strong.   Nothing can break me now.  Nothing at all.   

I am so blessed.  Despite all that I have been through while searching for the real ME,  it feels good to achieve something all by myself.  The final product.  What I have learned from this amazing journey of finding myself in a place called Sweden, is that the goals that I was after were initially achieved in the hardest way. 

I was aiming for completing my education, getting a good career, being appreciated, getting respect, becoming a good mother.  Quality living.  I was running after all this, but took the wrong way.  The long way.

I never knew before, that all I needed was confidence, strong discipline, faith, and patience.  Being persistent with whatever I do.  To not lose focus, and kill the ego inside me.  To dare to just question.  Asking simple questions and learning something with a blank mind.  To create my own qualities, and design my own standards.  To stand up for myself, and make a positive surrounding.  To never let others know what I am planning to achieve, and to ask the right people for help.    We were given a brain for a reason.  We need to always challenge ourselves.  What good is it to stay in our comfort zone, when we get nothing out of it.  Nothing but temporary pleasure.  

We want something, we work hard to get it.  We earn it.  

"And seek help in patience and prayer." -Al-baqara-45

This is Tani.  An American-Bangali Swede, who started completely from scratch.  I got many words of discouragement, moving to another country from the USA.  Stupidity, they called it.  Leaving everything behind, leaving all privileges behind in the land of opportunity.  But here I am, still walking, still breathing, laughing and talking with my Swedish colleagues about how funny life can be.   How the same people encourage me, and call me intelligent now, and say what a safe and honourable country I live in.  How funny life can be.  


  1. A good read for today. I am in a similar boat and can feel the emotions going behind each and every word. May you get what ur heart desires. Ameen

    1. I appreciate your feedback, and I just checked out your story in your blog. Simply incredible. You need to write more about your journey. I am curious to know, and I would definitely be a daily reader of your writings! Please continue!

  2. I loved reading you, very inspiring, well written and I love the religious reminder. Keep writing, your words are gold!

    1. Your comments are gold! It's sometimes like reading a really good book over and over again. Always get something new out of it!
