Dhaka is a loud city. Constant horns, men yelling out from the top of their lungs in the streets to buy their vegetables, fruits, or fish, gramma or aunt yelling at the maid for tea and breakfast at 7am..it was impossible to sleep.
Good morning Aryan!
He didn't call this vacation. Not to mention the wonderful things he would unexpectingly see the minute he opened his eyes..
he hated the hungry blood-suckers that aimed for ONLY him

Well, he liked how he would get the royal treatment. Getting stuffed with food, not doing the dishes, infact, not even having to get his plate off the table himself when he was done eating,
But he hated the daily diarrhea.
His parents finally found the perfect girl for him. The girl he knew since childhood, the only one that he got along with well every time he came to visit Bangladesh. His distant cousin.
Thanks to mommy and daddy, there emerged an akwardness between their friendship. He hated the thoughts he had sometimes of thinking about marrying the girl that he always looked at as his sister!

That was just wrong. He really needed to get out for fresh air.
Knowing that his parents wouldn't ever let him roam around Dhaka all by himself, Aryan somehow managed to sneak out of the house during the big "nap time" after lunch when the house maid was too busy flirting with the neighbor across the roof while she would hang the washed wet clothes to dry.
Off he went! He didn't even bother to bargain with the rikshaw driver, he told him to keep the change and head to the 5 star restaurant where he was hoping to find the waitress.
With the bad luck he had, he got the old hairy waiter instead.
And so Aryan tried pretending he knew the girl and asked the waiter about her where-abouts, but the stinky waiter only nodded his head and said no personal information can be given out about employees.
so Aryan got so desperate and bored that he wondered if he would get a straight answer through bribery, and so he gave him one hell of a tip
and in return, he got a very nice answer indeed.
"what an asshole, thought Aryan. If i was him i would have never done that!"
He gives an evil smirk and leaves.
The waiter gave him a napkin with an address that lead to this place here. Apparently this was where she lived. In one of these floors.
to be continued...
omg apu...i love your aryan stories...they are hilariousss!!