04 April 2011

Art of the Day : Priceless Moment

That moment when time stops, and it seems as though only the two of you exist in this world.

So here is the story behind the drawing.  I had this scene in my mind of a very busy manhattan-like city at night which i tried to portray on the picture, however, the couple on the right popped out during the process of sketching.  This was overall, a very unpredictable art experience.  Somehow love interrupted this city scene, or maybe i should reword it and say that it completed the scene. 

Ever since i was a kid, I've always thought drawing people (and still think so) was and is the hardest thing to draw!  Yet i somehow manage to stick in some kind of human figure in all of my drawings.  It actually adds emotion and makes it more interesting for me.  Afterall, i am a girl with extremely little patience.

My goal for my next piece of art:

Something i wanted to do with this drawing actually, was to show you the different stages from beginning to the end.  It's funny how you can never ever tell what a person is drawing by the look of the first rough sketch.

From now on, ill show you the entire process of drawing a picture.  You can get some sort of idea about how my mind really works while im drawing.  Hopefully you won't think I'm too weird!

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