29 April 2011

The Stay-at-home Wives/Moms

One of the biggest problems women have to face after marriage is the common complaints of being lazy and not getting a job to provide family support.  This is for the women who actually WORK hard at home and keep the family together.  I actually see several expat-women facing this situation in Sweden, especially since it's hard to even get a job not knowing how to speak Swedish fluently. 

There are many households where the husband's work is the only source of income for the family and unfortunately in many cases, the wife gets misunderstood as a gold-digger.  Of course there are gold-diggers and lazy wives out there who simply use their husband's hard work’s income to get their own pleasure, sometimes even cheat, but come on, let's stop with the generalizations.  There is good and evil MIXED all over this world and the worst thing one can do is categorize an innocent person into the wrong group.
This gets worse when a couple has kids.  Here’s a scenario.  Even if the family is financially stable, there will be times when the husband will completely lose it one day after coming home from a long day's work and let off that nasty temper concerning how he terribly hates how his wife sits at home never doing anything productive.  Truth is, that the wife spends the entire day taking care of the house, running errands, doing laundry and grocery, cooking and cleaning, upbringing their kids, helping her in-laws, and not saving a single minute just for herself.  Not even in the weekends.  Being both a good wife and a mother is a fulltime job for her which always happens to be overlooked.  She appreciates the financial support her husband gives to the family, but she needs to be appreciated too…instead of getting all the blames.
Bottom line is, things need to be mutual in a marriage and when I say mutual it does not necessarily mean having equal income.  It is much, much more than that.
We all know how great the economy is (sarcasm).  So I am sure a great percentage of stay-at-home moms/wives are undergoing this problem.  It’s so unfortunate to see how many marriages are failing for this reason. 
This one’s for all the faithful wives out there!

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