17 September 2011

Art of the Day - The victim

Anybody can be the victim.  Many of you have already been the victim during some point of your life. It's possible that this girl in the picture can be followed, mugged, beaten, raped, and/or killed.  As much as we wish for it, crime will never leave this world.  Judgment in the court will not make that huge of a difference in your life at the end since you already know that one or a few punishments will not teach the other criminals a lesson. We can always stay alert though.

I remember once when I was getting out from an early morning class 4 years ago back in Atlanta, I had to change classrooms, which meant changing buildings that were about 10minutes away from each other.
Early morning meant everything hadn't opened yet in downtown accept for banks and big offices and you would have thought that all the street bums would be sleeping at that time but it was incredible how those perverts woke up that early to start making nasty comments to every single girl that passed them by.

I hated the dark gloomy morning and I kept looking down at the pavement while I walked past the empty streets.  I heard comments coming from a man's voice behind me.  There were no other girls around me, so it had to be directed to me.  I kept walking and he kept talking, asking questions from couple meters behind me.  Next thing I knew was that I was being followed.  My pace got faster and he continued to follow.  I was partly in denial with the whole situation and I started becoming breathless.  I knew many friends that got mugged near the place where I was walking in broad daylight, and all I could do was walk fast and pray under my breath.  I kept reciting Ayat'ul Kursi and out of nowhere a university police slowly parked his bike by the building I was about to pass.  The police didn't see me, and when I looked behind, fingers crossed, I saw nothing but a clear path.  I didn't know where that man went, but I prayed that I would never have to see him again.

That 10minute walk was the longest 10minute walk of my life.  I thanked Allah for protecting me.  

07 September 2011

Swedish words to know for driving. . .

I'm in a new continent so I need to start from scratch with everything, and that includes getting a Swedish driver's license.

My husband installed all these swedish license studyguides for me and it only overwhelmed me to see not only the enormous amount of depth of the traffic rules and regulations and the inside out of a vehicle (like getting a phd in driving), or how ridiculously expensive it is to actually get a license, but just the plane swedish i had to read. It was very confusing! I would ask him, why on earth would you install a Swedish program for me if you already know I will be taking the test in English? Then there were times when we needed a gps to go to several new places. He would turn on the gps and the next thing i know, I would hear a swedish female robot's voice telling me to "ta avfart" when im in the middle of the highway, very very lost. Again I ask him, why can't you just tell me to take the exit yourself? BEFOREHAND?????????

At the end, I love him for what he does. I couldn't thank him enough. He tries his best to make me learn as much swedish as fast as possible with the countless amount of things he does. The outcome always turns out great.

I have been taking the practice tests in swedish and not only have I found it easier to understand swedish, but I have also picked up some new terms that may be helpful in the future:

Bogserar - tow
Bromssträckan - braking distance
Däck - tire/wheel
Mönsterdjup - tread depth
Körfält - lane
Vägkanten - roadside
Omkörd - overtaken
Viltolycka - wildlife accident
Vägkorsning - crossroads
Lätt lastbil - light truck
Att lämna företräde - to give way
Avfart - exit
Säkerhetsbälte - safteybelt
Broms - brakes
Lätt släpvagn - light trailer
Varselljus - daytime running lights
Backkrön - hilltop
Döda vinkeln - blindspot
Krockkuddar - airbags
Spolarvatskan - washer fluid
Kylvätskan - coolant
Backe - slope
väjningsplikt - right of way

There are more, but these are the ones i have been encountering the most.

05 September 2011

Art of the Day - A Smile behind those Eyes

We see more fake smiles than real smiles in this world.  Isn't that pathetic.  You can always sense when the real one comes though.  It always makes its way through the eyes.  Eyes define your overall face expression.  

I've always loved drawing since I was a kid, but I think I got most of my art habits from my dad.  When i was a little girl, I would always ask dad to sketch a person.  Every time I asked, without denying he would grab a white paper and a pencil, sometimes even a pen, and start sketching.  He would always start with the eyes, and i have no idea how he would make them so symmetrical in just seconds, then the nose, the lips, and the next thing you know, there it was in front of me.  An amazing piece of art done in less than a minute.  I always wanted to do that, but never could.  Even now.  I would never be able to draw like my abbu.  He wouldn't even brag about it.. not even once.  It was incredible.  I learned how to draw eyes from him.  

So heres what I practiced over the week with my fingers...drawing an improved portrait with improved eyes using sketchbook pro, my new best friend.  Ready to take the next step...and that's drawing somebody I actually know! No more strangers.
