05 September 2011

Art of the Day - A Smile behind those Eyes

We see more fake smiles than real smiles in this world.  Isn't that pathetic.  You can always sense when the real one comes though.  It always makes its way through the eyes.  Eyes define your overall face expression.  

I've always loved drawing since I was a kid, but I think I got most of my art habits from my dad.  When i was a little girl, I would always ask dad to sketch a person.  Every time I asked, without denying he would grab a white paper and a pencil, sometimes even a pen, and start sketching.  He would always start with the eyes, and i have no idea how he would make them so symmetrical in just seconds, then the nose, the lips, and the next thing you know, there it was in front of me.  An amazing piece of art done in less than a minute.  I always wanted to do that, but never could.  Even now.  I would never be able to draw like my abbu.  He wouldn't even brag about it.. not even once.  It was incredible.  I learned how to draw eyes from him.  

So heres what I practiced over the week with my fingers...drawing an improved portrait with improved eyes using sketchbook pro, my new best friend.  Ready to take the next step...and that's drawing somebody I actually know! No more strangers.


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