06 June 2011

Art of the Day - down memory lane

No, this is not a recent drawing.  This is in fact, one of many drawings I did back in 2001.  I came back home to the U.S. and this was one of the sketches I found hanging on my family room.  Who's the girl? Well guess..who else? The 8-year-old ME.  I know, you might be thinking I love myself.  The actual purpose of choosing to draw the little me, however, was to experiment with the hair texture...something I was very new at sketching. 

Wish I was that child again!  


  1. I like this one more, it says a lot

  2. Thanks Naveed. I tried to portray youth, innocence, comfort, curiousity...all at once.

  3. you are really really good !
